Friday, August 01, 2008

A post a month...

Okay I am a slacker when it comes to posting. I have also been slacking off on the new quilt. I have an idea of how to do the back, but I have not started it. That is my plan for tomorrow. Iron and cut the fabric. And on Sunday I will spend some time sewing.

The construction workers are still working outside our place. The massive machines are hard at work making noise. They start up at 7am. The construction workers also need to turn off the water since one of their projects is upgrading the water mains. On Wednesday night the water did not get turned on until after 9pm. I think the city should reimburse us for all the take out we have had to get the past month and a half. Today the water has not been turned off yet, but I am ready in case it does. I have several jugs of water in the kitchen and the bathroom sink is full of water. What this means is that the water will not get turned off today.

Calle is adjusting to life without Trotsky. We took her the vet on Tuesday. Trish thought that Calle might have ear mites. She was right. The vet said that her immune system is probably weakened since she is mourning Trosky. We knew Calle was having a difficult time understanding where Trotsky has gone. But hearing some one else talk about Calle grieving was hard. The vet suggesting giving Calle Star of Bethlehem to help her.

Here is one of the last photos of Trotsky.

I went outside this morning to take photos of some flowers. Calle managed to make it to the mudroom. Here she is taking a look around.

This is Eros.

And this is Gilded Coral.

I'll take some more photos of the new quilt this weekend.

More later.


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