Thursday, April 06, 2006


Is it possible to be a slacker with OCD? This is a question that I have been asking myself. I have refolded t-shirts because I didn't like the way someone else folded them (they were mine, it's not like I do this at Roots or the Gap). Is it mild OCD (is there such a thing), or was I just trying to avoid other household tasks? I'm too lazy to research OCD. Something to think about...

My sister and I were recently orphaned when our parents moved to Cape Breton from Niagara Falls. We're not really orphans, but it is fun to play the guilt game with my parents (after years of being on the receiving end).

One of the purposes of this blog to keep my mother up to date about Allison (my sister) and my developing quilting skills. Another to continue to entertain my father with my lack of quilting skills. My mother started quilting a few years ago. Allison and I both started in the past 6 months. I am currently hand quilting the border of my first quilt. Then Allison is going to show me how to bind it. That will involve a trip from Toronto to Oakville (and since I don't have to go to Niagara Falls every other weekend, I have plenty of time to visit Oakville). This is Trotsky on my first quilt.

More later.


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