Sunday, November 05, 2006

A Wasted Saturday

I waited at home yesterday for a Purolator delivery. At 5:00 I called the office to make sure I was not wasting my day. I was told that the package I had stayed home to receive did not make on the truck. Apparently Purolator doesn't have the capability to call customers to tell them that their package will not be delivered. I rescheduled the delivery for Tuesday night. I am now boycotting Purolator. Thankfully Indigo uses Canada Post and Future Shop's photolab has a store pickup option...

It's not that I had any great plans for yesterday. I was going to drop off several scarves and hats that my work knitting job had completed for the Street Knit Project. And I would have gone to get the papers while the news was still new.

I have been busy. I am finished knitting Trish's cardigan. I need to sew it together (my favourite part-please note the sarcasm). I am almost done hand quilting the Baby Brick quilt. I should get it done today, I hope. I may have to slack off on the housework to have the time required.

November is a busy month. Next weekend is our annual Royal Winter Fair trip. Then on the 23rd we will make our annual trek to the One of a Kind Sale. What I love about this is that both are at the CNE, in the same building. You walk through the Royal and you smell animals. It reminds me of the time spent at the riding stable. Then you go back two weeks later and the smell is completely different. It smells like flowers and incense. But too much because that would be icky.

As I write this I'm ordering more prints online for my work Christmas cards. I am six gifts away from being done my shopping. I have no idea what to get Cameron, Cassie, James and Olivia (I'm hoping the One of a Kind will have something). I know what I'm getting my Dad, I just have to find time to go to the store (as I'm boycotting Purolator). I have several ideas for Trish, but I'll wait to see if I find anything at the One of a Kind Sale. I still have gifts to make, but I think I will be able to avoid the stores during the Christmas rush.

I have not download any new photos in a while. I'll leave you a memory from the summer.

More later.


PS I'll try to take some photos of my current projects this week.

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